Part of University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB), Heartlands Treatment Centre (HTC) represents a major capital investment, bringing a range of vital services under one roof for the first time and looking to treat up to 1500 patients a day. 

With a footprint of over 18,000m2, the impressive, contemporary building stands four storeys high, with 149 tonnes of steel and 12.5miles of pipework used in its construction. The £97m development aims to offer a ‘one-stop-shop’ which means more treatments, for more patients, delivered more efficiently. The new centre includes diagnostics, day case procedures, endoscopy, audiology, outpatients, therapies and imaging services. State-of-the-art technology has been installed including theatre suites and advanced imaging equipment. 

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Rockpanel A2 Metals (White Aluminium and Gunmetal)

20230509 RW-RP PHO 2410
20230509 RW-RP PHO 2409
20230509 RW-RP PHO 2412
20230509 RW-RP PHO 2413
20230509 RW-RP PHO 2414
Heartlands Hospital Case Study

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